Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Presents 2009
"... the value of a timeless gift lies in the thought put into it. What really matters is its ability to linger forever in our memories."

X'mas present for myself... My first Kate Spade item!

This is the first year we chose our own X'mas present.  In the past years, I always like to receive something nice & impractical for Xmas...  a pleasant surprise.
This time round, I saw something at Kate Spade which is nice & yet impractical.  So I snapped a photo & MMS Gerald "Dear, can I choose my own present this year? Please!" and he immediately replied "Sure =)"

In return, Gerald choose his own X'mas present too.. iPhone 3GS
Started getting presents for good friends early this year... presents I'm confident they will like it. =)

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