Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Caught on the Cycling Bug

Got hooked on cycling recently. It all started with the Safra Runway cycling last June where we had a good time on the super straight & flat Paya Lebar runway.

So when we were knew that OCBC was organising a cycling event on 22 Feb 2009, we promptly signed up for it. We rented the bikes from the organisers but didn't know helmets would be provided. Got this cycling helmet from Giant at only SGD $4! Looks almost like a turban.
The Start & End point was at the F1 Pit Building.
We did the 20KM community run. A huge crowd at the starting point, awaiting for the flag off. Despite the crowd, it was a very well organised event and the T-shirt looks great.
Jennifer & her friends joined us as well.
Completed the 20KM quite effortlessly and we were still looking fresh after the ride.
Subsequently Gerald & I regularly cycle from our place through the Eastern Park Connector. We'll stop for yummy Chicken chop noodle at Changi Village Food Centre before heading back which usually takes up almost the whole sunday afternoon. On several ocassions, it started raining on our way back. Cycling in the rain was great to drench the heat & bring back the childhood memories.

Recalled the first time we tried cycling this same route. Gerald was so exhausted that he had cramps on both legs and was so mad at me for the endless long distance cycling. Now, he's the one suggesting that we cycle to Changi Village for makan... haha

I organised a "Go for a Spin" session with my Colleagues on 19 Apr 2009. We started from ECP, near MacDonalds. Since some of them have not done cycling for ages, I was planning to cover 25km & U-turn along Changi Coast Road.

As pleasantly surprised that everyone was so on and we continued till Changi Beach (opposite Changi Village).

This poster was there at the junction outside Changi Airfreight Centre. Feels like it was there especially for us. A perfect photo taking opportunity. Everyone was so happy at the finishing point after cycling 32KM.

Was crazy enough to really get my personal road bike after contemplating for months. It's a Scott Speedster Contenssa 2009 model. Simply loved the colour. It's like buying an LV bag but I felt the pinch more than ever. And yes, I'll make sure it's kept safely at all times so it found residence in the Study Room.
Maiden ride.. from the Bicycle shop @ East Coast Road back home via the Siglap park connector.First weekend ride was estimated 40KM from home to Changi Village & back. Could feel the strong wind against my face as I race down the Changi Coast Road & bypassing other riders.

I need to beef up my riding skills though. Need to gain confidence to hop on & off the bike with the seat at waist high & ride on the road. *horrors* More immediate task should be to get cycling short asap! =)

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