One super bad news.. Hamham passed away unexpectedly last Sunday evening due to old age. About a month ago, the vet diagnosed that he's got arthritis and was actually amazed that HamHam was already so old.. about 80+ years old.
I was shopping at Orchard when my sis called. Rushed home immediately and found HamHam pretty much liveless with pale face and cold body. Very sad to see him like this as he is usually very lively and always resisting when we try to carry him.
His breathing became lighter and lighter. Very upseting to see him take his last breathe before his face collapsed to the floor and his tongue was sticking out. I believed he waited for me before dropping dead as I go home every sun evening for dinner. If it had been any other day, I probably wouldn't get to see him for the last time.
Everyone in the family was very upset over the loss and we'll definitely be missing HamHam..

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