Had lotsa fun over the weekend =)
Gerald and I watched a play on Friday evening. Venue was the Action Theatre at Waterloo Street.. very small place with a pretty nice & cosy courtyard. Since we've 2 extra tiks, Felice & Janice joined us too. We also bump into Joey & his fren at the theatre.. such a small world!
I quite like the concept of using white markers to draw on the black background to illustrate their thoughts. It only lasted about an hour. Basically its a low budget production.. a "2 men" show but it was pretty interesting and something different.. a refreshing change from catching movies on the big screen.
Had a good dinner after the play.. basically pig out at our fav supper spot again! =) Thereafter, we joined some frens for fishing near Tanah Merah terminal. Cheap thrill.. we only used a fishing line, attach a hook at the end of the line with some prawns as bait. As the fishes nibble on the bait, we could feel the fishing line vibrate in our hand! Hehe.. I actually caught a fish for the first time in my life! It was a very small silver fish.. smaller than a palm size. hee
On Saturday, Gerald & I had high tea at Equinox. Haven't been there with him for ages! Our first high tea there was about 8 years ago, when we first started dating. Could even remember the exact spot where we took pictures! I always loved high tea.. plenty of variety and good ambience to chat. =)
In the evening, we drove into Sentosa for pinic by the beach. No elaborate feast.. basically just 2 mats and drinks to enjoy the breeze and the company. Weather was good and we had a good time relaxing. Timing was amazingly good too cos we managed to catch fireworks from the Songs of the Sea effortlessly as we walked towards the beach.

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